To be honest, I've always considered myself more of a coffee drinker than that of the 'comes after S' liquid. Not that I don't mind drinking it or anything, its just coffee seems to make his presence known more often. I'm sure it would be better healthwise if I drank more tea, but for some reason I don't get much of an appetite for it aside from those times when I'm feeling under the weather.
As a child, I always found it more fun to use a golf club to hit anything other than the ball it was invented to hit. Come to think of it, given the chance, I'd probably still choose the same. Either way, when trying to come up with an idea for this weeks topic, that was all that kept bubbling to the surface. I think one of these days I might give a go at whacking a few teacups with the ole club again, I urge you to give it a try also