Illustration Friday: "Feet"

I've seen plenty of ugly feet, namely my own, but I don't think I've ever seen Bigfoot. When I was a kid I'd set plenty of traps in the backyard hoping to catch one, but for some reason or another he must have been hip to my plans. I think my brother may have tipped him off. Maybe I just needed better bait...

Heeheee. Cute!
Out of curiosity: what bait did you take :) (Just so that I know what doesn´t work.)
I realised your Bigfoot has two facial expressions, first I saw him laughing with open mouth, now I see him smiling big with a closed mouth... interesting.
Awesome foot on that guy. Squish!
steph Thanks :)
cristosova Interesting indeed, I hadn't noticed the dual facial expressions.. I wonder if it'd still convey that way if he was fully colored, hmm...
Oh, by the way, I used 'Eau de Sweat Socks' for bait, the man at the store said they'd work best. Bah, I bet he never did any REAL bigfoot hunting.
michael Nothing squishes better than a giant foot :) Thanks for stopping by
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