Illustration Friday: "Depth"

I tried to reach into the depths of my noggin for some smidgen of an idea for this weeks IF topic, but for most of the week, I couldnt seem to clench hold of anything worthwhile, I guess I just wasn't digging deep enough. Either that or there simply wasn't anything there in that melon that I so reluctantly try to call my head. Who knows, perhaps I simply wasn't even looking in the right spot. Whatever the case may be, it took me forever to come up with an idea for the topic this week, so as a result, all I've got for yet another week is some sketches. Eh, at least its better than nothing...

Perhaps I should make a pact with the devil... hmm

Is where the souls go
When they've been packed full o sin
With devils and fire
The damnations mire
Just pray ye that Satan don't win
Amazing what you've found in your depths!
Satan will win if you don't finish the next IF piece!
love the first two devils..hope you finish up one [any] of these guys and throw
down some nefarious colour Fulton "fire and brimstone" Beal
Great Blog!! cool design and drawings there!
Neato! Your little guys are wonderful. So dynamic and stuff. Great!
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