Dreams can be strange little critters. Two weeks ago tonight I'd had a dream that I was driving into work and somehow flipped my car. Oddly enough, that following Sunday morning, while driving into work, that exact thing happened to me. I'd nodded off, jumped awake to find myself across the line and facing an oncoming vehicle. Almost out of instinct I swerved, started hydroplaning, and somewhere along the way flipped my car, hitting the roof on a tree. I fortunately managed to walk away from it with only a couple small bruises and some major soreness in the back, neck and shoulder areas (the main reason its taken me so long to compose a new post), but it kinda wierded me out that I'd dreampt almost exactly what happened only a couple days prior. Wacky wild stuff.
Anyway, getting on to the images... I thought I'd post one of the critters from my less premonitiony, but still odd, dreams that I've had. This was originally done as a gift for a friend of mine, but considering he'd came from another strange, though entirely non-premonitiony, dream I'd had, I thought he might fit for this weeks IF topic. I have alot of dreams about creatures such as he, and others doing various things, sometimes marching, sometimes deathmatches, sometimes just simply sitting there and morphing into several different manifestations, somehow similar to each other, but different. I find it fun to try to capture some of the images from these dreams, that is when I can remember them long enough to do so.

The other image is an older sketch of Humpetillio, a character I've been muddling around with for quite some time, but haven't quite settled on anything just yet. Either way, at least he's comfortable at this point :)

Dreams can be funny little creatures, be sure to nurture them well.